======================= Qtile 0.7.0 release notes ======================= *March 30, 2014* Changelog ========= Features -------- * new disk free percentage widget * new widget to display static image * per core CPU graphs * add "screen affinity" in dynamic groups * volume widget changes volume linear-ly instead of log-ly * only draw bar when idle, vastly reducing the number of bar draws and speeding things up * new Gmail widget * Tile now supports automatically managing master windows via the ``master_match`` parameter. * include support for minimum height, width, size increment hints Bug fixes --------- * don't crash on any exception in main loop * don't crash on exceptions in hooks * fix a ZeroDivisionError in CPU graph * remove a lot of duplicate and unused code * Steam windows are placed more correctly * Fixed several crashes in qsh * performance improvements for some layouts * keyboard layout widget behaves better with multiple keyboard configurations Config Breakage! ---------------- * Tile's shuffleMatch is renamed to resetMaster