Installing on Funtoo ==================== Portage ------- The ebuild in portage is broken for now, as of missing xpyb support for pycairo, but will be fixed in some future releases. Manual (Github) --------------- This section is taken from the documents from Qtile. [#]_. Dependencies ~~~~~~~~~~~~ USE flags and keyword changes may have to be made for the packages taken from portage. libxcb ~~~~~~ libxcb can be emerged from portage. .. code-block:: bash # emerge -avt libxcb xpyb ~~~~ xpyb can be emerged from portage. Make sure that you are emerging xpyb-1.3.1 or above. .. code-block:: bash # emerge -avt xpyb cairo ~~~~~ cairo can be emerged from portage. Make sure you have your USE flags set to: .. code-block:: bash X glib opengl svg xcb and then emerge cairo: .. code-block:: bash # emerge -avt cairo pygtk ~~~~~ pygtk can be merged from portage. .. code-block:: bash # emerge pygtk py2cairo ~~~~~~~~ Needs to be build manually cause of reason above. .. code-block:: bash # git clone git:// # cd py2cairo # ./configure --prefix=/path/to/virtualenv # make # sudo make install As an alternative to virtualenv, you can .. code-block:: bash ./configure --prefix=/usr But the virtualenv is the recommended option in installation if you are an advanced user with python, else use the systemwide alternative. qtile ~~~~~ .. code-block:: bash # git clone git:// # cd qtile # sudo python install --record files_uninstall.txt Setup ----- **Copy** either a config from the examples directory in the cloned qtile **(including a default config)**, a config you have found elsewhere, or create your own config. .. code-block:: bash # install -d ~/.config/qtile # cp /path/to/cloned-qtile/examples/config/ ~/.config/qtile/ # cp /path/to/cloned-qtile/examples/config/ ~/.config/qtile/ # cp /path/to/cloned-qtile/examples/config/ ~/.config/qtile/ # cp /path/to/cloned-qtile/examples/config/ ~/.config/qtile/ Another config is ` `_, this is based on `dmpayton's `_. Testing Qtile Installation -------------------------- If you have a running DE/WM already you can test your qtile config with the following steps: Examples: .. code-block:: bash # Xephyr :1 -screen 800x600 -a -v -noreset # Display=:1 # /path/to/qtile/qtile or using the build in code: [#]_ .. code-block:: bash # echo "exec qtile" > .start_qtile ; xinit .start_qtile -- :1 For further information, see the Documentation section. dmenu ----- Qtile uses dmenu as the application launcher .. code-block:: bash # emerge dmenu xinitrc ------- An example of preparing Qtile to start with the startup-session script for autostarting apps in the ~/.xinitrc: .. code-block:: bash #!/bin/zsh xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources xcompmgr & if [[ $1 == "i3" ]]; then exec ck-launch-session dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session i3 -V -d all > ~/.i3/i3log-$(date +'%F-%k-%M-%S') 2>&1 elif [[ $1 == "razor" ]]; then exec ck-launch-session dbus-launch startrazor elif [[ $1 == "awesome" ]]; then exec ck-launch-session dbus-launch awesome elif [[ $1 == "qtile" ]]; then exec ck-launch-session dbus-launch ~/.qtile-session else echo "Choose a window manager" fi and the connected ~/.qtile-session .. code-block:: bash conky -c ~/.conky/conkyrc_grey & sh ~/.fehbg & dropbox & X and RandR ----------- **NOTE: RandR and Xinerama do not play together. Use one or the other.** I use an AMD HD 6870 with 3 monitors (2 DVI and 1 with an AMD validated Mini DisplayPort™ to DVI dongle). Install xrandr: .. code-block:: bash # emerge x11-apps/xrandr and if you want a GUI with xrandr: .. code-block:: bash # emerge x11-misc/arandr If you do not have X configured yet, follow the link on the `Gentoo Wiki `_. My xorg.conf.d folder for example: `30-screen.conf `_. Since the names of the monitors are already known in xrandr, I just use those names in my 30-screen.conf configuration. It doesn't matter what you use in your X configuration however. Once you have X configured however you like, start qtile with either: .. code-block:: bash # startx or, in a case similar to mine, .. code-block:: bash # xinit qtile Starting with CDM ----------------- Another good tool for starting qtile is **CDM** (short for Console Display Manager). To make it work, just merge cdm .. code-block:: bash # emerge -avt cdm and add it to autostart with .. code-block:: bash # cp /usr/share/cdm/ /etc/profile.d/ Now add to /etc/X11/cdm/cdmrc the following lines: .. code-block:: bash binlist=( "/usr/bin/xinit ${HOME}/.start_qtile --:0" "/bin/bash --login" "/bin/zsh" ) namelist=(qtile "Console bash" "Console zsh") flaglist=(C C C) consolekit=no and check that ${HOME}/.start_qtile contains just the following .. code-block:: bash exec qtile .. [#] `Installation on Gentoo `_ .. [#] ` `_