Keys ==== The ``keys`` variable defines Qtile's key bindings. The command.lazy object ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ``command.lazy`` is a special helper object to specify a command for later execution. This object acts like the root of the object graph, which means that we can specify a key binding command with the same syntax used to call the command through a script or through :doc:`/manual/commands/qsh`. Example ~~~~~~~ :: from libqtile.config import Key from libqtile.command import lazy keys = [ Key( ["mod1"], "k", lazy.layout.down() ), Key( ["mod1"], "j", lazy.layout.up() ) ] On most systems ``mod1`` is the Alt key - you can see which modifiers, which are enclosed in a list, map to which keys on your system by running the ``xmodmap`` command. This example binds ``Alt-k`` to the "down" command on the current layout. This command is standard on all the included layouts, and switches to the next window (where "next" is defined differently in different layouts). The matching "up" command switches to the previous window. Modifiers include: "shift", "lock", "control", "mod1", "mod2", "mod3", "mod4", and "mod5". They can be used in combination by appending more than one modifier to the list: :: Key( ["mod1", "control"], "k", lazy.layout.shuffle_down() )