Source code for libqtile.layout.ratiotile

from __future__ import division

import math

from .base import Layout
from .. import utils

ROWCOL = 1  # do rows at a time left to right top down
COLROW = 2  # do cols top to bottom, left to right


class GridInfo(object):
    Calculates sizes for grids
    >>> gi = GridInfo(.5, 5, 600, 480)
    >>> gi.calc()
    (1, 5, 1)
    >>> gi.get_sizes()
    [(0, 0, 120, 480), (120, 0, 120, 480), (240, 0, 120, 480), (360, 0, 120, 480), (480, 0, 120, 480)]
    >>> gi = GridInfo(6, 5, 600, 480)
    >>> gi.get_sizes()
    [(0, 0, 600, 96), (0, 96, 600, 96), (0, 192, 600, 96), (0, 288, 600, 96), (0, 384, 600, 96)]
    >>> gi = GridInfo(1, 5, 600, 480)
    >>> gi.get_sizes()
    [(0, 0, 200, 240), (200, 0, 200, 240), (400, 0, 200, 240), (0, 240, 300, 240), (200, 240, 200, 240)]

    >>> foo = GridInfo(1.6, 7, 400,370)
    >>> foo.get_sizes(500,580)

    def __init__(self, ratio, num_windows, width, height):
        self.ratio = ratio
        self.num_windows = num_windows
        self.width = width
        self.height = height
        self.num_rows = 0
        self.num_cols = 0

    def calc(self, num_windows, width, height):
        returns (rows, cols, orientation) tuple given input
        best_ratio = None
        best_rows_cols_orientation = None
        for rows, cols, orientation in self._possible_grids(num_windows):

            sample_width = float(width) / cols
            sample_height = float(height) / rows
            sample_ratio = sample_width / sample_height
            diff = abs(sample_ratio - self.ratio)
            if best_ratio is None or diff < best_ratio:
                best_ratio = diff
                best_rows_cols_orientation = (rows, cols, orientation)

        return best_rows_cols_orientation

    def _possible_grids(self, num_windows):
        iterates over possible grids given a number of windows
        if num_windows < 2:
            end = 2
            end = num_windows // 2 + 1
        for rows in range(1, end):
            cols = int(math.ceil(float(num_windows) / rows))
            yield (rows, cols, ROWCOL)
            if rows != cols:
                # also want the reverse test
                yield (cols, rows, COLROW)

    def get_sizes_advanced(self, total_width, total_height,
                           xoffset=0, yoffset=0):
        after every row/column recalculate remaining area
        results = []
        width = total_width
        height = total_height
        while len(results) < self.num_windows:
            remaining = self.num_windows - len(results)
            orien, sizes = self._get_row_or_col(
                remaining, width, height, xoffset, yoffset
            if orien == ROWCOL:
                # adjust height/yoffset
                height -= sizes[-1][-1]
                yoffset += sizes[-1][-1]
                width -= sizes[-1][-2]
                xoffset += sizes[-1][-2]

        return results

    def _get_row_or_col(self, num_windows, width, height, xoffset, yoffset):
        process one row (or col) at a time
        rows, cols, orientation = self.calc(num_windows, width, height)
        results = []
        if orientation == ROWCOL:
            x = 0
            y = 0
            for i, col in enumerate(range(cols)):
                w_width = width // cols
                w_height = height // rows
                if i == cols - 1:
                    w_width = width - x
                results.append((x + xoffset, y + yoffset, w_width, w_height))
                x += w_width
        elif orientation == COLROW:
            x = 0
            y = 0
            for i, col in enumerate(range(rows)):
                w_width = width // cols
                w_height = height // rows
                if i == rows - 1:
                    w_height = height - y
                results.append((x + xoffset, y + yoffset, w_width, w_height))
                y += w_height
        return orientation, results

    def get_sizes(self, total_width, total_height, xoffset=0, yoffset=0):
        width = 0
        height = 0
        results = []
        rows, cols, orientation = self.calc(
            self.num_windows, total_width, total_height
        if orientation == ROWCOL:
            y = 0
            for i, row in enumerate(range(rows)):
                x = 0
                width = total_width // cols
                for j, col in enumerate(range(cols)):
                    height = total_height // rows
                    if i == rows - 1 and j == 0:
                        # last row
                        remaining = self.num_windows - len(results)
                        width = total_width // remaining
                    elif j == cols - 1 or len(results) + 1 == self.num_windows:
                        # since we are dealing with integers,
                        # make last column (or item) take up remaining space
                        width = total_width - x

                        x + xoffset,
                        y + yoffset,
                    if len(results) == self.num_windows:
                        return results
                    x += width
                y += height
            x = 0
            for i, col in enumerate(range(cols)):
                y = 0
                height = total_height // rows
                for j, row in enumerate(range(rows)):
                    width = total_width // cols
                    # down first
                    if i == cols - 1 and j == 0:
                        remaining = self.num_windows - len(results)
                        height = total_height // remaining
                    elif j == rows - 1 or len(results) + 1 == self.num_windows:
                        height = total_height - y
                        x + xoffset,  # i * width + xoffset,
                        y + xoffset,  # j * height + yoffset,
                    if len(results) == self.num_windows:
                        return results
                    y += height
                x += width

        return results

[docs]class RatioTile(Layout): """ Tries to tile all windows in the width/height ratio passed in """ defaults = [ ("border_focus", "#0000ff", "Border colour for the focused window."), ("border_normal", "#000000", "Border colour for un-focused winows."), ("border_width", 1, "Border width."), ("name", "ratiotile", "Name of this layout."), ("margin", 0, "Margin of the layout"), ] def __init__(self, ratio=GOLDEN_RATIO, ratio_increment=0.1, fancy=False, **config): Layout.__init__(self, **config) self.add_defaults(RatioTile.defaults) self.clients = [] self.ratio_increment = ratio_increment self.ratio = ratio self.focused = None self.dirty = True # need to recalculate self.layout_info = [] self.last_size = None self.last_screen = None self.fancy = fancy def clone(self, group): c = Layout.clone(self, group) c.clients = [] return c def focus(self, c): self.focused = c def blur(self): self.focused = None def add(self, w): self.dirty = True self.clients.insert(0, w) def remove(self, w): self.dirty = True if self.focused is w: self.focused = None self.clients.remove(w) if self.clients: # and w is self.focused: self.focused = self.clients[0] return self.focused def configure(self, win, screen): # force recalc if not self.last_screen or self.last_screen != screen: self.last_screen = screen self.dirty = True if self.last_size and not self.dirty: if screen.width != self.last_size[0] or \ screen.height != self.last_size[1]: self.dirty = True if self.dirty: gi = GridInfo( self.ratio, len(self.clients), screen.width, screen.height ) self.last_size = (screen.width, screen.height) if self.fancy: method = gi.get_sizes_advanced else: method = gi.get_sizes self.layout_info = method( screen.width, screen.height, screen.x, screen.y ) self.dirty = False try: idx = self.clients.index(win) except ValueError: win.hide() return x, y, w, h = self.layout_info[idx] if win is self.focused: bc = else: bc = x, y, w - self.border_width * 2, h - self.border_width * 2, self.border_width, bc, margin=self.margin, ) win.unhide() def info(self): return { 'clients': [ for x in self.clients], 'ratio': self.ratio, 'focused': if self.focused else None, 'layout_info': self.layout_info } def shuffleUp(self): if self.clients: utils.shuffleUp(self.clients) def shuffleDown(self): if self.clients: utils.shuffleDown(self.clients) def focus_first(self): if self.clients: return self.clients[0] def focus_next(self, win): idx = self.clients.index(win) if len(self.clients) > idx + 1: return self.clients[idx + 1] def focus_last(self): if self.clients: return self.clients[-1] def focus_previous(self, win): idx = self.clients.index(win) if idx > 0: return self.clients[idx - 1] def getNextClient(self): previndex = self.clients.index(self.focused) - 1 if previndex < 0: previndex = len(self.clients) - 1 return self.clients[previndex] def getPreviousClient(self): nextindex = self.clients.index(self.focused) + 1 if nextindex >= len(self.clients): nextindex = 0 return self.clients[nextindex] def next(self): n = self.getPreviousClient(), True) def previous(self): n = self.getNextClient(), True) def shuffle(self, function): if self.clients: function(self.clients) def cmd_down(self): self.previous() def cmd_up(self): def cmd_next(self): def cmd_previous(self): self.previous() def cmd_shuffle_down(self): self.shuffleDown() def cmd_shuffle_up(self): self.shuffleUp() def cmd_decrease_ratio(self): new_ratio = self.ratio - self.ratio_increment if new_ratio < 0: return self.ratio = new_ratio def cmd_increase_ratio(self): self.ratio += self.ratio_increment def cmd_info(self): return
if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod()